
To solve Observability of bee colony, Hard physical labor and Distant locations problems, we’re building a single-colony robotic beehive, capable of replacing human beekeeper by doing inspections automatically.


Robot should extract hive frames, take a photo and upload to the cloud app where it will be processed for health status. Extraction should happen without disturbing the bees, exposing them to elements or risking people around.

This is a fixed single-colony robot and is a base functionality thatRobotic Apiary would use to serve entire apiary. Pricing strategy is to follow Tesla approach - first build an expensive prototype from generic parts and over time make it more affordable


Bill of Materials


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3D sketch

v4. Brought back dynamic camera and simplified vertical frame fixation. changed gantry to be vertical, added second hive section inspection ability

v4. Brought back dynamic camera and simplified vertical frame fixation. changed gantry to be vertical, added second hive section inspection ability

v3. added aluminium frames to have more modular structure. Moved entrance to have more symmetric hive as well as equal access to frames by bees

v3. added aluminium frames to have more modular structure. Moved entrance to have more symmetric hive as well as equal access to frames by bees

v3. Cameras are fixed in position, now instead, frames are expected to be moved left or right out of original position to cameras focal point. This requires custom frame hook that should have it fixed in 3x planes

v3. Cameras are fixed in position, now instead, frames are expected to be moved left or right out of original position to cameras focal point. This requires custom frame hook that should have it fixed in 3x planes

v2. Moving cameras on top, trying to simplify the focusing mechanism

v2. Moving cameras on top, trying to simplify the focusing mechanism

v1. entrance on the side, two cameras that are moved by robot to have fixed focal point for every frame. Makes entire chamber quite wide as cameras need lots of space for focal point of last frames that are pulled out

v1. entrance on the side, two cameras that are moved by robot to have fixed focal point for every frame. Makes entire chamber quite wide as cameras need lots of space for focal point of last frames that are pulled out

2D sketch