<aside> 🧸 If you’re reading this and thinking “what, a generic answer?”, then yes. We have dozen of people that need a proper answer and unfortunately we can’t do a very personalized approach on the first contact. We can do it later in the “pipeline”, after 95% readers ignore us. Its life



Thanks for applying to the Gratheon Full Stack engineer volunteer position. I assume you aim to help bees and beekeepers have an easier life while working on cool tech like AI, IoT, robots and contributing to opensource community.

Just wanted to reiterate that this is not a paid position. We're just getting the project started and don't have a formal team yet. We’ve had various hackathons and accelerators so far. The current one is [prototron.ee](<http://prototron.ee/>), which may grant us 35k, but it needs intense work to compete with the other 50 teams.

The current status is - we have a web app that is open for anyone to register and try out at [<https://app.gratheon.com>](<https://app.gratheon.com/>).

Our code and internal docs are fully open source, and you’re encouraged to check them out.

- GitHub: <https://github.com/Gratheon>
- Notion: [<https://gratheon.notion.site/Gratheon-fdac3638d55542ddb073ae90537cd5b5>](<https://www.notion.so/Gratheon-fdac3638d55542ddb073ae90537cd5b5?pvs=21>)

As there are lots of candidates, and I'm not sure how best to evaluate you, I would actually invite you to explore what you think is best you can do. For example, a list of features we have in the backlog:


Join Discord to discuss a specific feature or anything you think is not clear: <https://discord.gg/PcbP4uedWj>

Some of the features are easy and involve only frontend work. Some need storing data on the backend. Some need multiple backend microservices or an AI model. Some need AI models tested on edge devices, video streaming, time-series DBs, etc.

If you want to work on AI / ML specifically, I can point to current challenges:

- Making varroa mite detection better
- Having a bee video counter at the hive entrance
- Detecting drones separate from worker bees
- Detecting hornets

Sometimes we do live coding on Twitch, but it's mostly for fun.

Our current go-to-market plan and vision is to:

- Finish making a good SaaS web app that beekeepers can use (even with a free tier) to inspect and monitor their bees
- Make a beehive entrance video analyzer device that would send telemetry to the web app
- Make a robotic device that would move beehive frames
- Scale it to an apiary, scale worldwide, and make it cheap

Hoping to hear back from you in the Discord.