For anti-varroa treatment, it would be nice to have ability to mark last time a colony was treated
- set which treatment was used
- set when next treatment is needed
- tied to Alerts to remind of something
- thymol / apiguard
- thymol + oil eucalyptus + menthol (api life var).
- formic acid (for-mite, mite-away quick strips, formic pro)
- hop beta acid resins (hopguard 2/3) - brood chamber, 14 days, max 30 days. Up to 4 times per day
- oxalic acid (oxalic acid dihydrate) = toxic to humans. vapourizer device or as a solution. little or no brood.
- sucrose octanoate (avachem sucrose octanoate). interval of 7 days x 3 times per infestation. Spray.